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The episode where Craig joins the local Grotto


Also sometimes seen as M.O.V.P.E.R., or, the Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm.  Yes, I get it.  It sounds somewhat contrived, but the goal is quite honorable in nature. Get Master Masons together for light-hearted frivolity and fellowship.  It is a social club that does not claim to be masonic, but you need to be a Master Mason to join.  As a bonus, you get a fez to wear to events.  

What am I hoping to find with this latest adventure?  I think the notion of fellowship with a large pool of masons, outside of the formal lodge setting, is what appeals to me most. I have found the organization to draw men of good character, and while we may not always see eye to eye on all topics, I have respect for their opinions and value their thoughts.

The ceremonial evening was amazing.  The production was put on at the Maumee Indoor Theatre, followed by a wonderful dinner with time to converse.  It drew in a crowd from all over the tristate area, and as far away as New York.  My understanding is that the full production has not been performed in quite some time, so it sparked a lot of interest.
